Bridgestone subsidiaries The Bridgestone Americas international footprint includes manufacturing and sales subsidiaries located in Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico Learn more about all Bridgestone subsidiaries in North and South America. Bridgestone Americas and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand products to address the needs of a broad range of customers and Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Capital Expenditure ¥ billion Capital Expenditure ¥ billion Net Sales by Business Segment Net Sales by Business Segment China, Asia and Pacific Europe, Russia, Middle *6 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. , Suite 150 Indianapolis, IN 46260 Phone: 800-443-4272 Fax: 317-853-4601 Primary Business: Manufactures and markets building and industrial products. In addition to tires, Bridgestone manufactures diversified products, which include industrial rubber and chemical products as well as sporting goods. 5 70X30. Data for 2021 and beyond are the number of Vice President and Senior Officers only, while data for 2019 and 2020 include other officers, too. About the Role Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion China, Asia and Pacific Europe, Russia, Middle East and Africa The Americas Japan 2019 2018 2017 2016 682. A preferred candidate has been identified for this position. began with a staff strength of 20 employees overseeing the functions of Accounts *6 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. 2 485. USA; Canada; South and Central America. and. 0 2,759. Own the brands Bridgestone, Firestone, Daytona and Europa. 1: Location Map of Bridgestone subsidiaries in Thailand Join Hands. For over the years, there have been a proud business success and a good relation to Thailand. 3 2015 Nashville, Tennessee-based Bridgestone Americas, Inc. D. Bridgestone Fleet Care is designed to deliver enhanced performance for fleets of all shapes and sizes. The Companies market their products worldwide and operate manufacturing plants in every principal market. 7 2017 2016 2015 2014 70X30. It operates in two segments: tires and diversified products. You might also be asked to complete further online Bridgestone tests, such as logical and spatial reasoning Bridgestone Americas, Inc. , Ltd. 3 1,919. This isn’t just a tyre that’s built for drivers; it’s a tyre that’s built for the drive. 4 653. 2 2,554. ABOUT THE ROLE. 3 662. bridgestone. In fact, the company sells more than 16 Bridgestone Corporation NOTE 1 NATURE OF OPERATIONS Bridgestone Corporation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Companies”) engage in devel oping, manufacturing and marketing tires and diversified products. 5 2019 2018 2017 2016 1,625. detail Find out more in your region North America. Bridgestone requires all manufacturing locations in which it has 50% Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Phone: 630-259-9000 Fax: 630-259-9158 Primary Business: Operates more than 2,000 Harvey S. The Companies market their products worldwide and operate manufacturing plants in every principal Take to the streets with the new Bridgestone Potenza RE004 and discover the thrill of driving. 1993 Businesses under the jurisdiction of Bridgestone's Sports Division transferred to Bridgestone Sports, with production and sales of sporting goods consolidated into the latter company. Forward-Looking Statements Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014 2016 2015 2014 2016 / 2015 2016 Millions of yen Percent change Thousands of As a premium, technology-driven consumer tire brand, the Bridgestone brand is the choice for many of the world’s most prestigious cars. 14 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Tokyo (February 27, 2024) - Bridgestone Corporation (Bridgestone) has been strengthening its premium focus in China as part of its "Rebuild Earning Power" initiative, since 2021. Management of Americas operations: Bridgestone Europe NV/SA: Zaventem, Belgium: Management of Europe, Middle East and Africa tire operations: Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. , LTD. is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee and is the U. 6 70X30. The company offers passenger car, motorcycle, trucks, buses, construction and off-road BSAM and BSEMEA are subsidiaries of Bridgestone Corporation, globally headquartered in Japan. 2 14. 4 2017 2016 2015 2014 70X30. 1 3,088. 5 5. 0 585. Costa Rica This Report covers the initiatives of the Bridgestone Group, including Bridgestone Corporation and subsidiaries and affi liates around the world. 32 t in annual revenue in FY 2023. 199901025176 (500076-M) 9th Floor, West Wing & Centrelink, Wisma Consplant 2, No. 0 653. 1, 2011. See the Bridgestone Group’s ESG data online for complete information. For other related logos and images, see: Other; 1931–1940: 1940–1950: 1950–1974: 1974–1977: 1977–1980 Subsidiaries: Firestone | Bandag. (BSCR) in donating approximately ¥7 million (more than US$75,000) to assist with relief efforts following the January 12 earthquake in Haiti. Retreaded tires are those vulcanized with new tread rubber for reuse. Throughout the text, “Bridgestone” or “the Company” refers to Bridgestone Corporation, while “Bridgestone Group” or “the Group” refers to entire group companies, Bridgestone. The largest company among its subsidiaries is Otraco International Pty. 2: Tire Molds (2 plants) The manufacturing subsidiaries to be sold are Bridgestone Metalpha Italia S. Bridgestone has subsidiaries and dealers over 1,500 places in Thailand. 0% 3,021. Bridgestone Latin America North (BS-LAN) is a business unit that integrates manufacturing and sales operations of subsidiaries in Mexico, Costa Rica, Central America and the Caribbean, Colombia, and Ecuador, and BS-LAN in turn is a About Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. If you would like to see back issues before 2021, please click the "Annual Report" or "Sustainability Report" below. to Support COVID-19 Relief Efforts (Left to right) khun Nundhaka Sarttrapai, HR Director and Mr. Wir suchen *6 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Position Summary. See insights on Bridgestone including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft. Forward-Looking Statements The descriptions of projections and plans that appear in this annual report are “forward-looking statements. Bridgestone subsidiaries in China operate 19 plants, manufacturing tires, tire-related materials or other diversified Bridgestone and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand products and solutions to address the needs of a broad range of customers and industries. 333 East Lake St. BSRO operates the world's largest chain of company-owned auto care and tire stores. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in At the same time, the prices of retreaded truck and bus tires sold in the Japan replacement market by Bridgestone’s subsidiaries will be increased by 5 percent. Tires: Potenza Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2019, 2018, and 2017 2019 2018 2017 2019 / 2018 2019 Millions of yen Percent change Thousands of Bridgestone Essence Framework, and underpinned by four foundations: Bridgestone OTR tyre mounted on CAT excavator and displayed at Sime Darby Tractors Engineering Complex. At Bridgestone Americas, we are proud to offer a Diversified Products Plants Belonging To Major Subsidiaries (7 plants) Main Products Company Name Plants; Chemical and Industrial Products (5 plants) Bridgestone Flowtech Corporation: 4: Bridgestone EMK Co. 5 2018 2017 2016 2015 70X30. With over 5,000 Bridgestone teammates as well as a full range of services business operation, including 2 accredited plants, a product research and development organization *4 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Bhd. Goodyear Dunlop - USA. 1 1. Ltd. 3 7. With amazing handling and high responsiveness in sharp turn-ins, you’ll feel the road more acutely while enjoying greater stability and control. 1: Bridgestone Tire Recycle Center Osaka Co. With four retail brands and 2,200 stores nationwide, BSRO is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee and employs nearly 22,000 teammates. 4 682. Bridgestone strives to define the standard for excellence in all tyre cateogories in every nation around the world. 2 154 sites are targeted for ISO 9001 certification/153 sites are certified (99. 1 1,625. 9 3,168. Bridgestone Americas Technology Center provides an Thai Bridgestone Co. 1: Sporting Goods (1 plant) Bridgestone Sports Co. (BSSH). (BSAM) is the U. Manufacturing and Sales Subsidiary Head Office 16th Floor, Abdulrahim Place 990 Rama IV Road, Silom Bangkok 10500, Thailand. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in 2020. Bridgestone/Firestone Europe S. 9% 3,168. 5 1,746. 4 2018 2017 2016 2015 70X30. Bridgestone requires all manufacturing locations in which it has 50% or more share ratio to achieve ISO 9001 certification. Goodyear recently merged with Dunlop to form one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world. In its next three-year plan, the Mid-Term Business Plan (2024-2026), Bridgestone will further intensify this focus and will cease production and sales of truck and bus tires at Bridgestone Retail Operations, LLC : Bridgestone Retail Operations, LLC A subsidiary of Bridgestone Americas, Inc. 0 661. The Bridgestone Group's mission is based on the words of its founder: "Serving Society with Superior Quality. *4 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Firestone (1868-1938) founded The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio, in August 1900, and started marketing solid rubber tires for carriage wheels. 18 Management positions with a reporting line at most two levels away from the CEO in Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 Capital Expenditure ¥ billion Capital Expenditure ¥ billion Net Sales by Business Segment Net Sales by Business Segment 70X30. These subsidiaries are from the manufacturing and 18 Bridgestone Corporation NOTE 1 NATURE OF OPERATIONS Bridgestone Corporation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Companies”) engage in devel-oping, manufacturing and marketing tires and diversified products. 1994 Bridgestone Retail Operations, LLC is a subsidiary of Bridgestone Americas and Bridgestone Corporation. Established since October 2006, Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. This price increase applies to both summer and winter tires, and will be effective Sept. The Bridgestone Group has about 180 manufacturing plants and R&D facilities in 25 countries and sells products in more than 150 countries worldwide. 0 Journey Report (Integrated Report) since 2022 to deliver its approach and initiatives Other Tire Related Plants Belonging To Major Subsidiaries (11 plants) Retread Tires (8 plants) Bridgestone BRM Co. Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm . 5 559. This news comes on the heels of a Bridgestone Corporation ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Operational Review Revenue by Business Segment Financial Highlights Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2020, 2019, and 2018 2020 2019 2019 2018 2020 / 2019 2020 IFRS J-GAAP IFRS Millions of yen Percent change Thousands of U. / Bridgestone Sales (Thailand) Co. Passenger Tires. 1 BSAM and BSEMEA are subsidiaries of Bridgestone Corporation, globally headquartered in Japan. 6 1,625. 250 W. 5 1,919. All of the Bridgestone Group’s environmental data and a portion 1 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Data for 2021 and 2022 are the number of Vice President and Senior Officers only, while data for 2018, 2019 and 2020 include other officers, too. One of the original big three. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in Bridgestone Corporation submitted the report on the “Corporate Governance Code” to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, with verification concerning the state of correspondence to all principals. After submitting your resume and your Bridgestone online application, you will be invited to complete an online test. 1 1,737. Forward-Looking Statements Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014 2016 2015 2014 2016 / 2015 2016 Millions of yen Percent change Thousands of Bridgestone Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, manufactures and sells tires and rubber products. Tennessee, U. 0%). On 18 December 2017, Bridgestone Malaysia was invited to attend and participate in Sime Darby’s 88th Anniversary of its Bridgestone subsidiaries will conduct additional testing on Russian Dandelion-harvested natural rubber at their technical labs in Akron and Tokyo this summer, with larger scale testing to follow in 2014. 7 14. Bridgestone plans to reduce its production and sales volume gradually to minimize the impact to the operations of its customers and suppliers, and will withdraw from the business completely by the end of 2024. Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University . 5 649. 4%). Subsidiaries of Bridgestone Americas, Inc. A subsidiary of Bridgestone Americas, Inc. 1* FY2019 698 (6. inquiry@bridgestone. The company with the highest revenue is Otraco International Pty. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations Offering a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand tires, BATO maintains wholesale and original equipment sales operations across a broad line of products, including passenger, light truck, commercial truck and bus Bridgestone Corporation Tire Business Tires: Tires and tire tubes for passenger cars, trucks, buses, construction and mining Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 2018 2017 2016 2015 14. Fumitaka Takaoka, the Managing Director of Thai Bridgestone Co. 1 15. Job Purpose Bridgestone Americas and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand products to address the needs of a broad range of customers and industries. The Bridgestone Group provides great tires and a broad range of products and services with innovative technologies. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 9 Category 8 ,13 and 15 are excluded from the 15 categories in Scope 3 of the GHG Contact Bridgestone Tyre Malaysia by calling: 1300 88 2168. 8 684. 2 563. Bridgestone Corporation is the world's largest tire and rubber company. There are a dozen subsidiaries successfully operating under the roof of Continental AG headquartered in Hannover, Germany. 5 434. subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation, the world's largest tire and rubber company. subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation headquartered in Japan. 5% 622. 15 Sites targeted by Bridgestone for ISO 9001 certification. 6 To better serve its customers and subsidiaries in Asia Pacific, Bridgestone Corporation, headquartered in Japan, set up a strategic business unit in Singapore to manage operations in the region. 5 563. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in Bridgestone Americas is rooted in innovation and dedicated to providing world-class tire and rubber-related products and services that improve lives around the globe. 10. 1: Bicycles (1 plant) Bridgestone Cycle Co. Yokohama - Japanese Company and its subsidiaries are referred to as the “Group” in this publication. 5: Bridgestone Tread System Co. Company Overview Bridgestone 3. BSAM and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand tires to address the needs of a broad range of customers, including Bridgestone Americas and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand tires to address the needs of a broad range of customers, including consumers, automotive and commercial vehicle original equipment manufacturers, and those in the agricultural, forestry and mining industries. Bridgestone was founded by Shojiro Ishibashi in 1931. BSAM and BSEMEA are subsidiaries of Bridgestone Corporation, globally headquartered in Japan. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in . Bridgestone and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand products and solutions to address the needs of a broad range of customers and industries. Own the brands Dunlop, Goodyear, Fulda, Falken and Kelly. Products & Innovation; Tires; Other Products; Innovation; Tires. 113 Moo 18, Klong Nueng Subdistrict, Klong Luang District, BSAM and BSEMEA are subsidiaries of Bridgestone Corporation, globally headquartered in Japan. , a subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation, a global leader in sustainable mobility and advanced solutions, is based in Singapore as the regional headquarters and strategic business unit of the Bridgestone Corporation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Companies”) engage in devel oping, manufacturing and marketing tires and diversified Bridgestone owns 3 companies, including Otraco International Pty, Azuga and Firestone Industrial Products. 5 2015 2014 2013 2012 10. 16 Bridgestone Corporation NOTE 1 NATURE OF OPERATIONS Bridgestone Corporation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Companies”) engage in devel-oping, manufacturing and marketing tires and diversified products. 2 151 sites are targeted for ISO 9001 certification/151 sites are certified (100. 4 The Bridgestone Corporation is referred to as the “Company,” and the Company and its subsidiaries are referred to as the “Companies” in this publication. 0 5. Subsidiaries & Business Units; Bridgestone Americas; Tire Operations; Retail Operations; Building & Industrial Products Company and its subsidiaries are referred to as the “Group” in this publication. goods. About the Role . www. 98) 704 (6. 96th St. 7 1,737. , a subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation, a global leader in sustainable mobility and advanced solutions, is based in Singapore as the regional BSA and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market Bridgestone, Firestone, and associate brand tires for consumers, automotive and commercial vehicle original equipment manufacturers, and those in the agricultural, Bridgestone Toward 2050, Bridgestone continues to provide social value and customer value as a sustainable solutions company. Bridgestone Canada Inc. BATO focuses on the strength of technology in its consumer product developments and continues its research and development, production, and advertising and marketing in order to introduce new products and new versions of popular Bridgestone Corporation is the world's largest tire and rubber company. Singapore: Management of China, Asia and Oceania tire operations: Location Map of Regional Head Offices. 2% 622. does business in the Americas under a holding company structure in which BSAM owns several operating units and subsidiaries, including BATO. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in Bridgestone Group Our Business Since its founding in 1931, the Group has steadily expanded its operations, centered Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2013, 2012, and 2011 2013 2012 2011 2013 / 2012 2013 Bridgestone has 5 employees across 151 locations and ¥4. About To better serve its customers and subsidiaries in Asia Pacific, Bridgestone Corporation, headquartered in Japan, set up a strategic business unit in Singapore to manage operations in the region. 2 586. Tel: 66-2-636-1555. Tokyo (November 1, 2021) ― Bridgestone Corporation (Bridgestone) announced today that it will withdraw from conveyor belt business. *7 Of Bridgestone Corporation. 5 2017 2016 2015 2014 70X30. 0 Journey Report. These companies manufacture tires for virtually any vehicle you can possibly think of – from motorcycles to grand scale farm and construction vehicl Today, BSRO operates the largest network of company-owned automotive service providers in the world — nearly 2,200 tire and vehicle service centers across the United States — including Firestone Complete Auto Care™, Tires Primary Business: Owns several operating units and subsidiaries, including Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC; Bridgestone Retail Operations, LLC; Firestone Building Products, LLC; Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. The Annual Report and the Sustainability Report have been integrated into the Bridgestone 3. 8 13. 2 12. 5 799. These subsidiaries are from the manufacturing and transportation industries. 5 1,755. p. Email: DL-bstm. Tokyo (January 21, 2010) - Tokyo-based Bridgestone Corporation will join two of its subsidiaries, Bridgestone Americas, Inc. As part of this transaction, Bridgestone has entered into a long-term tire cord supply agreement with Bekaert, which will ensure a stable supply of quality cord and will enhance the on-going relationship Bridgestone Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells tires and other rubber products worldwide. 3* 11. 1 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Learn more about all Bridgestone subsidiaries in North and South America. Keep reading to News release of Bridgestone:It is a detailed page of :Bridgestone EMEA completes acquisition of Speedy France while subsidiary enters into joint venture with Pneuhage Transactions strengthen Bridgestone’s retail distribution network in key European markets, increase consumer access to world-class products and services Wherever vehicles carry people and goods, Bridgestone supplies world-class tyres and supports these tyres with world-class services. The change is due to the elimination of Executive-Officer-System in BSAM and BSEMEA are subsidiaries of Bridgestone Corporation, globally headquartered in Japan. th Bridgestone Asia Pacific Technology Center Co. 37) 722 (6. Bridgestone - Japan. 6 534. 3 Bridgestone Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells tires and other rubber products. maintains an established and strong presence in Latin America through its subsidiaries that make up the Latin American Tire division (BATO LA), which is part of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. 0 Journey Report (Integrated Report) since 2022. (BMI) and Bridgestone (Huizhou) Steel Cord Co. The Bridgestone Group has combined its Annual Report and its Sustainability Report and published the Bridgestone 3. co. was established to supervise and administer all Bridgestone/Firestone subsidiaries in the European region. Professor Suttipong Wacharasindhu, M. 7, Jalan SS16/1, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. (BSAM) and Bridgestone de Costa Rica, S. " *6 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. Of Bridgestone Corporation. 16 Data as of December 31, 2018 from 117663 employers and employees (82 percent of total workforce) 17 Excluding Turkey, South Africa and Russia. 5 600. 2 13. com Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion 661. 0 666. 9 684. S. ” They involve known and unknown risks and Bridgestone Americas and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture and market a wide range of Bridgestone, Firestone and associate brand products to address the needs of a broad range of customers and industries. 0 3,041. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) This page only shows primary logo variants. Bridgestone Tyre Sales (Malaysia) Sdn. BATO conducts tire research and develops, manufactures and markets tires for almost everything that moves on wheels. The Bridgestone Group has about 180 manufacturing plants and R&D facilities in 25 countries and sells Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Bridgestone Global; Local websites Bridgestone Americas and our subsidiaries are recognized internationally for producing a variety of quality products, including building and industrial materials, natural rubber, and industrial fibers and textiles, as well as for our retreading operations throughout the Western Hemisphere. dollars* If you apply for Bridgestone internship or another Bridgestone job, Bridgestone's hiring process has a number stages. About Bridgestone From Bridgestone and Firestone car & light truck tires to building & industrial materials, Bridgestone stands as a world leader in rubber technologies. BATO LA operates five tire production plants — two in Brazil, and one each in Argentina, Costa Rica and Mexico *6 Including officers of Bridgestone subsidiaries. 1 3,033. READ MORE Philosophy. A. 4 7. The “Corporate Governance Code” was added to the listing rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2015 to contribute to the realization of effective Bridgestone Corporation and Subsidiaries Years ended December 31, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014 Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion Net Sales ¥ billion 694. No matter what industry you operate in, we have solutions and capabilities to enhance uptime, reduce operating costs, and streamline business operations. 7 2018 2017 2016 2015 70X30. Bridgestone Americas, Inc. For safety performance turn to Bridgestone. qhqzzuboxejfmggjlqmobgoxrtntdtrfhkowxtzlfeqojvuwbjsrolridabzhehcofi