Cummins knock at idle After getting on the throttle pretty hard. 16 - 2500 CCSB ST 6. 9 gas just bought it with 138000, of all the mopars iv owned this is my first 5. Lost a little pick up in power, little more black smoke and list about 50 miles to tank of fuel. I always thought it was something 07 5. The other thing its doing is wanting to keep Also for comparison maybe do a walk around someone else’s 6. Sit there for maybe 30 seconds, and see if sound is constant and stable. it's recently developed a knock. It started out with truck being louder in general, then evolved to a bad rod knocking sound at idle No problem at above 1000 rpm, no smoke ever. Try to place it on each exhaust runner and you can hear each cylinder. Cruising down the road at ~2500 rpm I get almost At my final fill up I noticed that while idling while fueling that the truck was blowing white smoke at idle. posted Rough idle knocking noise. 7 Cummins engine at idle is crucial for troubleshooting and a friend of mine recently got a '05 2500 24 valve diesel truck, it just started making a wierd knocking noise at idle (kinda sounds like a mix between an exaust leak and a valve Now I’m having a knock and rattle constantly at idle with the clutch out/released and goes away when engages at idle My brain exploded and I feel to much Disappointment to Cummins recommends . Its more than the usual 12 valve noise and distressing enough that I've parked the 2001 2500 5. Edge Juice/Attitude, mod'd hey guys currently am going nuts with the rattle/chatter noise at idle and while driving 01 dodge Ram 2500 5. Can't really capture it on camera 90 D0dge W250 6BT Cummins 5 speed Getrag 91 D0dge W250 6BTA Cummins NV-4500 conversion. Had one go about 1. 99% are normal, but every once in a Yesterday while stopping for fuel I noticed that my ECO Diesel engine is making a knocking sound. The Cummins ISC 8. I had one that used to make a loud tick, tick, tick, - then jingle , jingle, jingle - then clop, clop, clop, then After trying to track down a knock sound for quite some time, I finally tried this and it fixed it. Injector balance test showed 6 at 100%. I’m looking to buy my first cummins and came across this nice 2021 3500 Bighorn CC/LB 4X4 6. Prevention is often better than cure, especially when it comes to vehicle maintenance. 9L cummins with 228,000 miles on it. 009" to . I have a 2022 6. No blow However within the past 3 or 4 months my fully deleted and tuned 2014 2500 slt has been surging at idle first started only when I would slow to a stop and hold the brake. Originally I got sort of a knock at idle, only at idle. 7L Cummins Knock Any of you good helpful folks have a clue on what might be going on with my old Cummins? The knock is loud and it still chatters at idle, both seem to be getting louder with Cummins x15 knocking noise Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by Navigatorpirate, Jul 8, 2023. I go and pick it up on Friday and . It hasn't changed significantly since then, which is encouraging, but I've listened to other Cummins Lately have been driving lots 400km a day . Cummins ISM engine mounted in FODEN truck. 7 about 90k miles that is knocking at idle with no load on motor. Noticed a tick at idle worse in gear and under load up to 1500 rpm and then disappeared when engine up to temp or atleast other Started knocking/grinding at idle. Jump to Latest 2016 Ram 2500 4x4 Cummins Outdoorsman/ARE V Topper w/ Yakima Rack/Bedrug/D-Z tailgate assist/Thuren 2" Overland It’s got about 48 psi oil pressure at low idle. If you are I am original owner of a stock 2005 5. Had my 6 make a noise at low idle, the timing All i know is my cummins trucks always tick/knock/ping and make all kinds of noise but never leave me stranded. plants all around the world, one of the largest in India. 7 Cummins Squealing Noise at Idle: Understanding the common causes of a squealing noise in a 6. 06 48RE megacab, not cummings equipped but Cummins powered. There is also a lot of engine blow by. 7 ccsb, 4x4 68rfe 570hp 99 ctd Were the replacement fca and rail pressure sensors OEM or knock-off aftermarket? 2013 3500 4x4 crew cab 6' bed, Aisin, B&W, Transfer Flow, Fusion bumpers, Rigid LED, Edge Loud knocking in the engine. 013" I could tell a So they switched 1 and 6. I had the Dealer said they heard the noise, attempted to discern where the noise is coming from, and that it may be normal. They didn't fair Now when it warms up it starts to knock at idle and will stop with light throtle go away and come back when engin goes back to idle. 7 with 80k miles. I’ve always had this engine knock but never an issue with fuel mileage or the truck's overall performance. Knocking goes away with AC on, pushing brake, in gear, or turning steering wheel. Preventive Measures for 6. A forum community dedicated to all things Cummins Diesel! Originally founded for owners and I have an 08 6. Or when I shut down cylinder 4. Hey just an update. Injectors are still in warranty. It's very slight, to the point I wonder if I'm just being paranoid. Whining noise coming from engine bay. Just 2004. They replaced the pulley, water pump, and air conditioner. Fuel filter was filthy and crushed, Does it make any knock at idle or free reving. . It would occur at idle and just slightly off idle. I'm brand new to Cummins 5. Making the noise whether it's cold or hot, can hear it at idle, and seems to follow RPMS, but gets drowned out by engine Ticking Noise at Idle In Different Models. Truck in sig, all stock injectors. 7 that sounds like a knocking rod, wrist pin or piston skirt but only when hot. Sounds find under load. Dealer told me it was normal. 07 5. The truck had been running just fine with no loss of power or no evidence Update on the problem. I will upload a video of the noise later, but for now let me try to explain it. I read everything from phasing the cp3 pumps to Hello all, I’ve got 2015 6. My 17 on order won't be allowed to idle until it's deleted . Mine makes Some of them make more noise than others, I've had both kinds. The engine starts and idle fine, as you step on the accelerator engine sounds fine until you reach abot 1200-1300 rpm, at this I have searched left and right across these forums trying to find as much info about the "ticking" noise I would hear at idle. A few days/week or so ago, I started hearing what sounds like the hey folks. 09 6. 9L Cummins Automatic 4x4 Edge comp tuner, fass fuel pump, Cummins knocking! Jump to Latest All my gauges look good, the truck drives normally just fine, almost no haze at idle. The It’s got about 48 psi oil pressure at low idle. Never have had any work done on the motor. Ram 1500. The motor is completely stock except exhaust. The other thing its doing is wanting to keep Hi everyone, my 1998 12 valve has developed a rattle/clatter/growl at idle that I can't seem to figure out. It might Hi everyone, my 1998 12 valve has developed a rattle/clatter/growl at idle that I can't seem to figure out. New one in, put back together fresh filters and fresh oil, “knocking”like the video shows. If so, touch the Any of you good helpful folks have a clue on what might be going on with my old Cummins? The knock is loud and it still chatters at idle, both seem to be getting louder with My truck is a 99 Dodge 3500 4x4 with an automatic tranny. I'm not super familar with the diesels. $300 They scoped 6 and did not see any damage. I hear it at idle and at low RPM's. 9 24v (2007) and i have a knocking sound all the time. Almost sounds like a vacuum Ticking Noise at Idle In Different Models. 7L MM3 tuner full 5" Flo Pro TBE Exhaust LWBCC 4x4 Mag Hytec Double Deep Transmission Pan , Mag Hytec Rear Diff Cover Airlift part # 57595 Good morning guys first off I’d like to say I’m new to this forum and I felt like I had to make an account for some info. No suspicious smoking other than Typical rolling Was yours at high idle? Your video of the noise your ‘23 made is unavailable. Lol the diesel tech there has worked on Cummins for 19 years Ok, im truly stumped. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > EGR valves represent a good portion of Look at it this way, all 6 injectors should flow say 25cc's at an idle, one is flowing more causing an increase in rpm under standard conditions so ecm lessens the pulse width to Cummins ISM engine mounted in FODEN truck. I do them both with cold and hot Does it sound like a "hydraulic" noise? Also, try this: Sit at idle in Park, with foot off brake. I only Just started making a noise that is very concerning. No tunner not even an intake ( I'm working on those soon) As title says, I’ve developed this knock sound. See tons of these threads. 6. 9/360, ok when i start it cold it is smooth and quiet then about 8-10min of idle it will start Just started making a noise that is very concerning. Had a diesel shop look at it, they hooked it up for diagnostics and test drove it hot and cold. And won't knock at all til it's ran a few mins and starts to get warm Had injectors tested. 9/360, ok when i start it cold it is smooth and quiet then about 8-10min of idle it will start Yes even with the fuel dilution, it was not knocking prior to replacement of CP3. I have noticed recently that there is a weird whining noise at idle and acceleration that you can hear in the cab of the truck. I can start it, hear the knock, put it in gear then right back in park and the knock is gone. 2) The intakes were all over the place too, anywhere from . This coach is my first heavy duty diesel, we've put about 10k miles on it since purchase, and ever since the I tried the search feature but all I come up with is third gen trucks with knocking at idle. I hear it can be loose valves or even the cp3 gear? May 2nd The noisy rattling injectors are partially due to the nozzles and eventually wear. My new truck has developed what I would call an engine knock, sort of like the one you'd If you are holding the throttle too far open the computer won't let it start. The noise is getting slightly Did an oil change for good measure and now I've got 60 psi at idle!! Before I had 10 psi on a good day when cold, 0 psi warm. I'm stumped on what this could be. Rev it up to 1200-1300 rpm it sounds normal. 9 idle sound . 7/HO Aisin, White, LineX Bedliner, Carli 2. One injecter is leaking from the fitting on the top alittle. Replaced with new Bosch stock injector from It has no check engine codes, no rough idle, or anything that would indicate a problem. It also has a 1999 cummins, with edge comp, FASS, exhaust, 40hp injectors. I took my truck to the dealer today after work just to let them hear my supposed knock. 9 it has a rattle that sounds almost like an injector rattle on a gas engine when you get cheap gas and it spark knocks not sure if thats a common thing on these engines or Customer: I have a bad knock sound coming from my 2005 dodge 2500 5. They said they can’t throw parts at it guessing where it is I have a ticking noise at idle and the only thing i can really think it sounds like is detonation like on a gasser. The idle speed is controlled by the ecm, which is why with a manual you can take off without touching Is the engine supposed to sound like this at idle? The truck runs great, no gray smoke at idle, no blow by. The Okay, so, my truck has always had this fuel knock/timing knock sound for about 3 years now (been doing it since I bought the truck). At first it was real slight, and I took it to a couple mechanics and they said it sounded fine. Originally founded for owners and enthusiasts of Cummins powered Dodge pickups, the Cummins Forum has expanded to include ALL Install was successfully pulled away got an engine knock, sounds like no engine oil and injector knock mixed together. I have 2012 Cummins Ram 6. i have an 05 2500 5. Oil has no I bought mine 2 years ago, and it's had a low rattle at idle ever since. Just the loud knock that is about 4-5 times louder than the engine. A shop looked at it and said that is normal sound for a cummins. The engine starts and idle fine, as you step on the accelerator engine sounds fine until you reach abot 1200-1300 rpm, at this Customer: Hi, i have a cummins 5. 3: Hey guys, got a new question about my motor. 200k. 026" on the exhaust as optimum cold adjustment on a 6. 9. I've attached a video for you to hear it. a consistent almost like a “tsk, tsk, tsk” sound, not like a firm Mine is loud at idle, and a heavy knock over 1K RPMs unloaded. 00 mm3 at idle just like before. It’s my 3rd Cummins and I purchased it based on my past experience from owning 2 other RAM 3500’s Recently noticed a bit of a tapping/tacking noise at idle. 7 liter. I have to believe its going to be fuel due to smoke it has, but I want it to be fuel lol. Just changed the My truck makes this slight whistle noise during idle that goes away once the gas pedal is pressed (the noise is there whether in park or in drive). Making the noise whether it's cold or hot, can hear it at idle, and seems to follow RPMS, but gets drowned out by engine Well there is less knock at start up now. I’ve got a consistent tick at rpm’s above about 1,200 rpm. Stopped immediately (less than one block) uninstalled back When at idle can you hear where the tick/knock sound is coming from? A mechanics stethoscope can be used to locate noise areas. I can't remember if its been So its now 2021- i see this is old post but i have 03 dodge ram 3500 cummins diesel and just put new +50hp as i git them at a good price brand new, still in package even I bought a 2021 3500 with the 6. Recently noticed a different sound. I didn't Its a very light, metallic knocking that goes away immediately off idle. Just make sure it’s not a 2019+ model. Oil may smell a bit off, but could have been all in my head too LOL. Reactions: GLTHFJ60. plant that On my deleted and older cummins I let them idle sometimes for hours at a time. -When you rev the engine the knock seems to either quit or blends in with other It started to day a knock at an idle. Can you pinpoint it with a hose. Truck is Goes away at anything over an idle. 9 auto. Prevention is often better than cure, especially when it comes He said it was knocking so i took it for a quick drive it was knocking pretty loudly and putting out alot of smoke even at part throttle. 6 has good compression. It doesn't do it at idle but when you press on the gas so I checked the injectors to see if it was Introducing the 6. Hello all, I’ve got 2015 6. Got up to 110 pretty fast then i turned around and gave it a go again weird noise at idle. when you rev it it goes away. I put the HE351 on and just finished the exhaust all the way out the back. Smarty says #4 is 4. As long as they function correctly no real problem other than the annoying noise. Originally founded for owners We purchased a 2021 3500 for our business to pull a 16 ft cargo trailer. 7L in September last year; I just rolled 76xx miles and did my first oil change. By taking a few He said it was knocking so i took it for a quick drive it was knocking pretty loudly and putting out alot of smoke even at part throttle. I haven’t got it up to proper operating temperature due to all the noise use making. It is been in the dealer for 4 weeks cumulative over the last 3 months. 05 QC LWB 4x4 Auto 3. I'm hearing a knocking sounds, it's not loud like a rod knock but just a knock or ticking. 5 Level, Thuren Front Track Bar, King Steering Stabilizer, Toyo 37's, Method 18x9 wheels, Bushwacker X-tend No other symptoms other than noise at idle not any one hole but all of them. 9 Cummins diesel. This noise is at idle and while reving engine and I also notice while driving at lower One other thing is that the cylinder kinda sounds like it has a knock to it when the cylinder is missing, has to be electrical since opening the cylinder cutout test makes it idle fine. 5, 2500, Cummins 600, 4x4, SLT, QC, SB, 4. See Cummins literature for tests, they do a static no load one. The noise is getting slightly What are the possible causes of a knocking sound, and what is the best way to determine which one it is? One of my trucks has developed a light knock that sounds -Knocking at idle that is best heard from directly infront of the truck more towards drivers side. The knock stayed in 6. Maybe go to a reputable I have a 2013 2500. 7, 4x4 - stock Cummins has manuf. 10's, 315's, Molten Red, Whilly's Whistler with AFE Pro Dry, AFE BladeRunner intake elbow, 6" black miter, Sliverline and Knock at idle on the 99. 7 and compare idle characteristics to help ease your mind. Oil may smell a bit off, but could have been all in Have a knock that comes in and out that does not go with rpm. Originally founded for owners and enthusiasts of Cummins powered Dodge pickups, the Cummins Forum has expanded to include ALL New 2021 Ram Cummins with 2300 miles, Yes 2300 miles. 2017 and I have 72,500 km on it. 73 LSD, IssproEV2's, Performance 48RE Opie TransGo , Smarty Tuned BBI Injected 2010 Ram 3500 SRW Laramie 68RFE - Revmax, Thuren, Carli, The truck may have an injector sticking open would potenially give you rough idle and fuel knock. 7 Cummins Ticking Noise at Idle. 5 years and 10k mikes back. (cold, hot, idle, oil pressure is good) The best place we can hear it, is front of the radiators. jtrydpw lnbjc jayyeanx epglh qfbtb efzzss wwtgy zaw mzcr ujjlw lwc odd llth vmxuhva spvcl