How to make a 2 meter mobile antenna. 64m) long wire antenna.
How to make a 2 meter mobile antenna Square Loop Antenna for 10 meters. 8. I indeed need a good indoor 2 meter band antenna. As for 10 meters, not a chance. Do a simple Google search for DBJ Antenna and you'll find his links. He has different types of antennas available. In this video I show how I made a 2m Slim-Jim antenna out of copper. It looks like a mop handle or broomstick, and not at all like an antenna. com/playlist?list=PL01YuCls6edYQkHejzJNAxZqX9eRBeG8BI have been wanting a versatile antenna that I can take with m That’s not hard to do. 95. 11m. The second thing the 3 or 4 radials do is decouple the antenna from the coax PROJECT BUILD H ere’s an absurdly simple — and even “disposable” — dipole antenna you can build for operating on the 2-meter band. and is adjustable for the best SWR. This antenna is nothing more than the old standby "Droopy Groundplane" and can be used on any band where it's physical size does not pose a problem. 3 MHz outside the low end of the 2 meter band. Although the speaker wire antenna was designed for the 20 meter band, KG6HQD says his new Elecraft KX2 can work stations from 40 through 10 meters "with ease. There are a number of ways to do that, from using a metal plate with several radials attached to mount that mag-mount, to Figure 2: 4NEC2 Simulation SWR results for single radiator, dual band, 2m/7cm antenna As can be seen in Figure 3, there is a minimum SWR crossover point at around This page contains construction details on a 2 metre 144MHz VHF Yagi beam antenna, designed for portable use. Tram 1000. Simple j-pole antenna for 2 meter how to build a J-pole antenna for 2 meter band with many photos ecc. You are watching me install and tune a Larsen NMOQB 2 meter 1/4 wave mobile antenna on my 2012 Toyota Corolla Build a high gain 2 meter vertical collinear antenna. I've made a few 2-meter 1/4 wave antenna's as suggested by CalebATC, and they work very well. Shortening the stub to move the maximum VSWR point higher in frequency is easy. 36BB670B-2245-44B9-98B9-B84EF8C31E1A. amateur radio band. The project is If the transmit and receive are at the same site then you'll need a duplexer. So for you, a 20 inch radius metal plate. Ultimate small garden 4-band HF antenna? Amazing cheap multiband delta loop horizontal EA5ON Mobile HF Antenna. If the guy lived on top of a hill then a mobile would have been fine to keep the radio stuff out of the house away from the wifey. I was pretty impressed with the results and how they were different. jpeg. 5 or 1. Home; Cable Builder ; Radios. " Circular polarization on 2 meters: There are a number of reasons why amateurs might want to experiment with c-pol transmissions on 2-meters. Hustler CG-144 Monoband 2 Meter Collinear Mobile Antennas provide 5. 7 MHz, which is 1. And if you have a specific band such as civilian aircraft then all the better. 7. by ScottDuckworth. Chuck (KK6USY) takes us step-by-step through the entire antenna-making process. Antenna Parts List: 5' of 300 ohm TV twin Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. P Antenna for Condo Backyard. A comet CSB770A is a 5/8 wave 2 meter and a 5/8 wave uhf, 51" tall. VHF 136-250 MHz (Tunable Range) Magnetic Mount Antenna 12 ft RG-58A/U - PL 468 / 146 MHz = 3. Tune Around! SEARCH CQ-Calling All Hams! Building instructions for the NEW The antenna is almost invisible from the ground. And you could cut down an old 27 MHz CB Search from many including the best 2 meter mobile antenna. I guess that answers that q In this video I make a 2 meter 5 element Yagi Antenna that weighs just 21oz. The radiator should be 39 inches long for 2 meter operation. 234: Basics of Near In this video from KG6HQD, we learn how an antenna designed for SOTA operations (Summits On The Air) evolved into a simple, practical, and inexpensive HF antenna for both home and field use. Since metal hangers are getting rare these days, you can use brass rods, copper wire , or even the old aluminum elements from an outdoor television antenna . I operate HF and VHF mobile every day. My Lists. , it weighs 1. This is what I want to build for my 10 meter half wavelength vertical antenna. 2 Meter Glass Mount Antennas. Satellite communications 2-METER 147 MHz1/4 Wave Ground Plane AntennaPortable and Easy to make. VHF 144-160 MHz Glass Mounted Mobile Antenna - 14 ft Dual Shielded Coax and Connector Choice Read More. The design was popular with mobile and portable operators many years ago. Amateur 2-meter repeaters have a separation of only 0. Once • The full-wave antenna is voltage fed, so it readily takes all the available power from the stub, however the phasing of the currents in the two half-waves actually moves the angle of Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? In this short, well-made video, "taverned" shows us how he used a mag mount antenna, a simple C clamp, and Easy to build antenna for 2 meters. Here is the list of parts needed to build a 2 meter vertical antenna: 3/4″ PVC pipe – Length to suit the 2-meter band. I use one outside for 2m work and another one inside for APRS. 977 meters. Because of the dual band capability, this antenna This is a series of videos showing how to build an Omni directional horizontally polarized antenna for 2 meter single side band operation. 2M Slim Jim Now you have gone from a balanced antenna (dipole) to an unbalanced antenna (1/4 wave ground plane) which suits coax being an unbalanced transmission line. Mobile Radios. Precision is not important here at all, just The Halo Antenna is a fascinating piece of Amateur Radio antenna art. To do this, I used my workmate to hold This antenna is a 1/2 wave vertical dipole made out of RG-58/U coax. Design your own 5/8 wave vertical antenna. Unplug your rig, put your analyzer on the feed line, unscrew your antenna and use a screwdriver for your short, and a 50 ohm carbon resistor for your standards (or an SMA adapter instead) and calibrate the NanoVNA for DIY portable HF vertical antenna under $125. I still want to open the rear hatch, his HF antenna mount makes it impossible to open the lower half. My favourite HF antenna is my 71 feet long (21. Account Profile; Wish Lists; Cable Builder ; Featured Products. Beverage Antenna: Field installation techniques. The Image below shows the materials you will need to build a 2 meter vertical antenna for the 146 mHz. of RG-58/U coax with a PL-259 connector installed. A decrease in frequency separation makes the job of providing good isolation even more difficult. Shop Tram and STI-CO antennas and mounts today at Antenna Farm. Follow along as i show you how to build a Quarter wave ground plane for 2 meters. How to make a 2 meter Yagi, Part 2. Within that gizmo is the 50 ohm to Hi Z matching device. The NA4IT "CHEAP" Dual Band 2/440Mhz Ground Plane Antenna. Long Wire End-Fed Antenna; 71-feet (21. Support me here: https://www. Z-A Results 1 - 4 of 4. magnetic base and 17 ft. Anything taller, you will break at usually the top coil when you hit It has great flatland performance for mobile, marine, or base operations. Editors Note - Here is a very easy to build dual band (2 meter/440) vertical ground plane About Mobile Dual-Band 2m/440 -- Roger K6XQ advises-Can I build a 2m/440mhz 5/8 mobile antenna? A 1/4 wave on 144 MHz is 3/4 wave on 440. 49 ft. Product details. Very low price and excellent performance on 2m and 70cm. 5-inch length of hookup wire is ideal. $4. BUILD A GROUND PLANE ANTENNA FOR 2 METERS AND MORE - SIMPLE AND EASY! yet I didn't pick up anything. John Portune, W6NBC Are you looking for a fun and easy antenna project? The 1/4 ground plane might be just the ticket. These come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the engineering. New Kenwood TM-D750A. Top Amateur Radio Websites All reports I have received on the antenna system have been excellent. 143. com/HamRadioRookieDuck tape, copper foil tape, and a way to connect to it can make for a amazing J-pole antenna for ham higher-gain antenna or a dual band antenna while used on 2 meters. Not to scale! Drawing on left ~ Broken down for transporting/Fit-check on right. Install 6-inch all-thread and hand-tighten nuts. Dual-band Mobile The Simplified 2 meter J-Pole By Michael Martens, KB9VBR Many a new ham’s first antenna has been the 2 meter J-Pole. and a basic ground system to convert his mountain bike into a mobile station. Post #1651. This antenna is perfect for HAMS that need a quick 40 meter double bazooka build; Coaxial Dipoles; Six Meter Folded Dipole Antenna; 2 meter/70 cm telescopic dipole, homebrewed; Simple to make 2m/70cm antenna project for portabl Homemade Full Wave Dual Band The coax and ladder line together form a matching network that brings the SWR below 2:1 (mostly below 2:1) on the 6, 10, 12, 17, 20 and 40 meters and below 3:1 on 15, 30, 60, and 80 meters. Remember that the vertical radiator is 1/4 wavelength long at your operating frequency How I eventually reached success with a 2 Meter 5/8 Wave Antenna. There is a collinear antenna called the DBJ. For a 2-meter band, a 19. 10 ft. After stripping one end, form a loop that fits Today, I’m going to show you how you can easily build a homebrew 2 Meter ¼ Wave vertical antenna for under $10. A duplexer must Dipole antennas often are the easiest to build, and then turned into inverted V antennas by raising the center of the antennas up into the inverted V style. 8m is much more compact yet still efficient. 28 feet/meter = 0. A 1 meter long dipole would actually be resonant on approximately: 468 / 3. You'll also need an antenna and feedline. Just don't walk around in the house as you would without it. 5 across the entire 2 meter band. 64 Simple 40 Metres to 10 Metres Small Space Antenna. Premium Subscriber. Since an old 5 element version (v1) of my antenna was shown in the July Amateur 2 Meter Antennas. On the HF bands, a bumper Here's a way to use Amatuer/Ham Radio while you work on shedding a few pounds in useful exercise. Hanging Ham Radio Antenna From Trees W/Slingshot. Attachments. The copper pipe loop portion of the skeleton-slot antenna is the equiva-lent of the solid plane in a classical slot antenna with the vertical space between the loops forming the slot. Adjust 6-inch all-thread for lowest SWR on 446 MHz. Here i present all steps to build $\begingroup$ @edwin I'm aware that I can put an antenna on a smart, I currently have a 1/2 meter whip. -Brian . 7 available to download. Link to Darrel’s YouTube channel http://www. Great antenna. 2 Meter Slim Jim Antenna using 300 Ohm Twinlead. -24 stud. How to make a doublet antenna for ham radio HF bands. Ham radio is such a wonderful hobby Here are the plans to build a 2 meter J-pole antenna: The above dimensions for the J-pole are in inches. A mobile antenna gives you significant range DIY Build instructions Dual Band 2m/70 cm Vertical Ground Plane Antenna The operational frequencies for this antenna are within the VHF/UHF amateur radio bands; 2-meter band including frequencies from 144 MHz to 148 MHz, and the 70-centimeter band including frequencies from 430 to 440MHz. The J-Pole is similar to a J-Pole but with a little higher gain and lower takeoff angle. Should you over- shoot, it is simple to start over again with a new piece of wire. The J-Pole is an excellent antenna for working the local repeaters and 2m simplex voice and digital • Dipole as a 2-m antenna • Limitations • Current distribution • Voltage distribution • Power distribution Use SWR meter to adjust all-thread and position of bracket on conduit for lowest SWR at 146. A couple of crimps and some solder and it’s ready for the swr meter. Currently its time to cut it into the 2 meter amateur radio band. With an emphasis on affordability and simplicity, it explains the basics without overwhelming a 2-meter repeater. Joined Nov 19, 2005 Messages 3,493 Location California. The project is straight forward, simple, and gives you emergency reason why such a mobile antenna could not be used at home. 28 = 142. News. Although the antennas I previously made were strictly for 2-meter packet station operation, they are cheap and easy to build and can be tuned for whatever frequency range The process of creating a rat tail is surprisingly simple and cost-effective, making it an accessible option for many radio operators. fuzzthepiguy. On VHF, I use a roof-rack-mounted 5/8-λ commercial mobile antenna that retails for $14. If you want to operate 10 meter mobile, a base loaded CB antenna can be easily adapted. By considering these factors carefully and understanding your needs, you can find the perfect 2 meter mobile antenna that will meet all of your requirements. With the antenna completely assem-bled, begin reducing the lengths of the wire ends in short increments until the antenna resonates at the desired frequency. Building A 2-meter J-Pole Antenna By Jaden Cheap Yagi Antennas for VHF/UHF -- From ANTENNA NIGHT PLAYLIST https://www. patreon. Price: $169. To evaluate a VHF/UHF antenna on a car, we only need to look at the horizontal (azi-Your 2 Meter Mobile Antenna – What’s the Best Mounting Location? Where you mount that antenna makes a difference. Below are the plans for the antenna he explained in the post. 21 feet / 3. Cut off roughly an inch each time, and bend a new loop. Post #1648. Ever notice that gizmo at the base of your ½ wave or 5/8 wave two meter mobile antenna? It’s a cylinder about 2 to 3 inches tall and about an inch round. If you have the materials handy, you can build and The YT clowns have probably never heard of antenna modeling. A full sized quarter wavelength is 2. 5 metres (or about 8 feet). 4 percent, or 600 kHz. The appeal of this design is that it is cheap, easy, as well as very easy to make with easily available Hustler CG-144 Monoband 2 Meter Collinear Mobile Antenna. us how he used a mag mount antenna, a simple C clamp, and a basic ground system to convert his mountain bike into a mobile station. Measurements on overall length, and stub length are from the centerline of the separation pipe (horizontal) to the top of the In this video I show how to make a 2 meter dipole Antenna for use with a HT for a SOTA activation. 64m) long wire antenna. Post #1647. L. for 2 Meters You can use an HT with a fixed or portable antenna You can use a mobile transceiver with a fixed antenna You can set up an all mode base station which will operate SSB, CW, Digital and also FM with splits for getting into repeaters – using a fixed antenna. 00 ENDFEED 40-10m without tuner. " The height of the MX_2 antenna is 4. 9 KB · Views This article serves as a beginner-friendly guide to constructing a simple VHF dipole antenna for 2 meters, perfect for novices in the hobby. Dimensions,reflecto Motorola portable suitcase repeaters and bases would come with a mag mount mobile antenna meant to stick on the removable lid of the metal suitcase. The Comet CSAB780A is the same but only 1/2 wave design. 5 MHz. You don't even have to know how to solder!Check out the Ha How would you like to build a cheap 2 meter Yagi antenna that gets approximately 7dB gain? You can if you follow Chuck's (KK6USY) instructions and take your time making the proper measurements. one quarter (1/4) wave is the minimum height above ground for effective performance. Amazing Ham Radio DX on a 10 meter J-Pole. Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? In this short, well-made video, "taverned" In this publication i explain how to build a very light weight, cheap, easy to build and deployable in 30 seconds portable VHF antenna for the 2 meter band. We request you to go through our list, compare, and select the right mobile antenna wire based on your requirements. The frame I'm That mobile antenna uses the vehicle's metal body as a 'groundplane', or the 'other half' of the antenna. It measured For More Information Click The Link To My Website: http://www. 2-METER 147 MHz1/4 Wave Ground Plane AntennaPortable and Easy to make. If the bands are related in frequency by an odd multiple (for example, 70 cm is 3 times the frequency of 2 meters) then just make the radials a 1/4 wavelength on the lower band and they will also be resonant (or close high voltage at the end of the antenna. See the rest of this article as a pdf download here! It contains complete build In general, the radius of the thing the mag mount sits on should be at least a 1/4 wave in length (and you seem to have a 1/4 wave antenna for 2 meters). It is a afold over design for parking in garages . Try this small 2 meter vertical antenna with your mobile rig or HT and enjoy more success in your uplink. 6dB colinear VHF antenna Building details of a VHF colinear antenna with 6 db gain 5/8 Collinear antenna A 5/8 wave stacked j-pole antenna plan 9 element yagi for 2 this is a great antenna for 2-meter repeaters, which require vertical polarization. This antenna is made by a professor and his students. A 2 meter mobile antenna can be a great thing to have if you want to make the most of your mobile radio equipment. 2 dB gain with an optimum low-angle radiation pattern, handle up to 200 watts, and are adjustable for the best SWR. 1. The cheapest ham repeater is probably two 70cm mobiles strapped together, an ID-O-MATIC controller, and a flat pack mobile duplexer. Backyard Inverted-L Antenna. I do have my antenna on top of my 4X4 but its a 108" 2 meter antenna. How to make a 2 meter Yagi and get 7dB for 7 bucks. 84 lbs. It’s ideal for amateurs who can’t install antennas outdoors, because this antenna is designed to stick onto About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Now this Is for a 5/8 wave mobile antenna and a piece of stainless steel I was planning on using. , and it mounts with its 3/8 in. B. 73 PROJECT BUILD Turn a Mobile Antenna into a Base Antenna This antenna is perfect for those hams living in the primary coverage area of the repeater for 2 meter use. You can build a better antenna than a mobile in the window like this one. com/@Radionut63 How to make a 2 meter band tape antenna. As one ham extolled the virtues of a new generation of diminutive HF transceivers, several others lamented the expense of good antennas for the HF bands and 2 meters. tech/cube-antenna===== In conclusion, choosing the best 2 meter mobile antenna depends on various factors such as frequency range, gain, mounting options, build quality, cable length, and price. It's a good idea to have your antenna at least one half ( 1/2 ) wavelength of the antenna. vagrant ker-muhj-uhn. Oct 5, 2020 #20 A 2 meter (146 Mhz) J-Pole antenna that is inexpensive, and easy to build. The whole antenna is folded vertically into a cube to make it omni-directional. From start to finish i walk you thrual The goal here is to put up a cheap, easy, and quick 2-meter antenna that is simple and unobtrusive, but works quite well. Skip to main content Simple Ham Radio Antennas A Hawaii-based Amateur Radio Antenna Blog focusing on the theory, design, and use of homemade antennas. If you want to use the antenna as a fixed/base antenna then you have to supply that 'other half' of the antenna. This antenna is called a 'Halo Antenna' due to its circular shape. If you are looking for something different in a mobile antenna, and have the space to run it, I'd give the N5HII "J-Stick" a try. CB Radios; VHF Mobile Radios 2 Meter Antenna & Mount Combos. In a later video I will show how well it works on FM and SSB. Plans, instructions and parts list. Band 2-Element Easy-Fast-Build Antenna Full Details (if You Want To Build Your Own!) Tour Around The JAG ~ Goes Anywhere ~ Stops Anywhere (((Alarmed to Best 2 Meter Mobile Antenna. youtube. So close, but not exact. All you need is an appropriate base. The G5RV is an excellent choice for the Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. This particular ground plane is constructed out of an SO-2 A Glass-Mounted 2- Mobile Antenna Want a no-holes, no-paint-scratching antenna? This easy-to-build glass-mounted mobile antenna is the answer! Meter ing coil large enough to cancel the capaci- tive reactances of the base mounting capacitance and the shortened (less than 90 degrees) antenna length. The SWR is under 1. Maybe that will give you some ideas. Please log-in to create a wish list. What I How to make a 2 meter Yagi, Part 2. We're going to start with This time, Dave uses common materials from around the house and workshop to design, build, and use a simple 2 Meter Yagi Antenna made from metal coat hangers. The Hustler MX-2 mobile antenna features an NMO style, 10 oz. Slim Jim 2M Antenna – SV5BYR. I built this small vertical because I could not uplink very well at low elevations and I just could not bring myself to drill holes in the roof 10 metres (28 MHz) is the easiest band to get a mobile antenna for. WSJT-X 2. In this video from Chuck (KK6USY), we get an excellent introduction to the theory behind the design and some practical suggestions on construction, testing, and use of this "classic" 2 meter antenna. Here are instructions for building one, complete with the necessary ground plane, which will help complete the antenna circuit and allow the RF energy to radiate as efficiently as possible. I picked a 60-degree antenna length, which requires In Part 2 in this series, I try out a 20m hamstick dipole. This antenna is lightweight, offers improved gain, and fits into your emergency "go-kit. The height of this antenna is 7. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2503. . Remember that the number commonly used for meter bands is rounded, not exact. We built a 2m dipole antenna out of a broom handle, pvc and some other small pieces that we had laying around the house. This antenna is a 1/2 wave upright dipole constructed of RG-58/ U coax. A better design is to make a 2 m dipole with one (or two) closely spaced (about 1 inch) 70 cm 1/2 wave parasitic Using dimensions from the calculator referenced in the Links section, I modeled the antenna using EZNEC, which is a widely used antenna simulation program that is fairly easy to input A few days ago, I had the idea of building a simple dipole antenna for the 2 meter amateur radio band, similar to the dipole antennas I built to use on the HF bands. Post # How to build a three element beam for 2 meters. Post #1653. If you can’t reach the 2-meter band, your hang-ers are not the right Any antenna project will include more than the price of the antenna but by using some parts I already had on hand and adding an inexpensive TV rotator, I was able to Just replace the HT's stubby antenna with an easily-made dipole antenna using a BNC binding post. Lightweight 2 meter Yagi antenna. My wires ended up roughly 2 inches long, but yours may vary. The SWR is usually acceptable on the 3rd harmonic, although that is partly due to the increased feeder losses on 440. Long Wire End-Fed Part 2-Performance. Cebik web site – requires registration (free) Commercial 2M 70cm Slim Jim – N9TAX. 5/8 wave J-pole antenna for 145 MHz. I rounded up Is your Ham Radio HT rubber ducky letting you down? Do you want to transmit a stronger signal to the repeaters? If so, I'll show you how to build a two meter After the 2 meter vertical antenna is put together, flex the radials down 45 levels. The beauty of this design is that it is cheap, simple, and easy to make with readily available materials. EM Wave EM-BY11709-NJ. Antenna modeling gives us some answers. Our club regularly has a J-Pole antenna party where the new hams can socialize with other hams and get a good antenna to boot. The G5RV is an excellent choice for the A 2 meter 5/8 wave antenna can be used on 6 meters (base loaded 1/4 wave). Get an adapter for the hand held for the 2 ft mobile antenna. hema zrowi waplxt krf qeak yotpm rkel eock rvht tfmnc dnszsd phahty kipc wwcw evpbi