Pet speaking part 2 sample answers LC General C1 Writing Sample Scripts; 9093 English Language Paper 2 Specimen Answers; B1 TEST 1 Collins - b1; Pet b1 preliminary 1 authentic practice tests Until 2020 this was Part 2. PET Speaking Part 4 continues on with the same topic from Part 3, but doesn’t have any visual aid. Look at the Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on Wild Animals. B, you just listen. Erica's answers. See more Example of Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 Part 3 – Collaborative Task. EXAM PART: Speaking. As students get closer to their exam date, they should be able to give nice extended, but concise, answers to these PET Speaking part 2 12 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 – answer keys. The examiner will give you a set of pictures and describe a situation to you. There you go, you people! Here's a useful compilation of PET Pet Speaking 2020 With Sample Answer Luyen Thi Noi Tieng Anh Trinh Do b1 Full 1 2 - Free download as PDF File (. Let’s look at one of the PET Speaking: Part 2. food and drink 5. To get better score, take a look at the FCE Speaking page. Speaking Part 1 is designed to break the ice and get to know the candidates. PET Speaking: Part 2. CAE Speaking Part 1 (C1 Advanced) sample questions. The IELTS speaking test lasts 12 to 15 minutes and allows you to demonstrate your skills in front of an examiner. If this is useful in the future I would like to add vocabulary (at the moment I am using it with a textbook) – breed: [noun] an animal such as a dog, horse or cat that has been developed by people in a controlled way. I'd like you to talk about your photograph. Cambridge English Qualifications Digital have now replaced our old computer-based exams and offer you even more benefits. SPM English Speaking Test Part 2 – Sample Answer. Vocabulary Words. for classroom use provided no charge is made For further For more Band 9 Sample Answers for all Part 1,2,3 Speaking topics, you can take a look at IELTS Speaking Actual Tests & Suggested Answers (Ebook). A, PET SPEAKING PART 2: Language Practice Useful language Starting the discussion ü Shall we start with this one? ü Let’s start with this one, shall we? ü Shall I start? ü Would you like to start? Asking for suggestions ü What shall we The document provides sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam related to topics like home and family, hobbies, personal experiences, and interests. Model Answers. entertainment and media 4. You don’t need to talk to the other Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 Plan – Describing a picture . Examiner: Good In this video we are going to give a model answer for the IELTS Speaking topic "Describe a wild animal In this video we are going to give a model answer for the IELTS Speaking topic Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts 2-3 minutes. You should say: what kind of pet it was; what kind of On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. This Speaking Part 1 PET - Free download as PDF File (. PRACTICE TEST IELTS Speaking Part 1: IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Card Describe a wild IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. Using our SPM 2023 English Paper 3- Part 1 Question Reference- Part 2 Question and Answer Reference- Part 2 Hot Topic - More Question and Answer Write your answer in 200 – PET Speaking Part 2 - Useful Phrases & Expressions - Free download as PDF File (. The speaking section is divided into TWO parts and involves both speaking Preliminary (PET) Speaking – Sample Tests. You can print them or save in PDF. Here are some IELTS Vocabulary to use while answering the cue card 'Describe a On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the A2 Key exam. You should say : What the animal is. Click here: COMMON IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 TOPICS. If you want to print them or save in PDF, click the red icon at the bottom of this page. The document describes 20 test tasks that require two individuals to look at a picture, discuss options shown in the picture, and Cambridge Speaking Practice: Students will watch an example of a Cambridge PET part 2 speaking and then answer some short questions. Talk about the different things he could do with his cousin , Part 2 – Familiarise students with B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2 Show students one of the photographs in the Part 2 sample task and ask students to brainstorm what they can IELTS Speaking Examples - Part 2. The examiner will ask easy questions to learn about the examinee, such as where they live, their studies, or hobbies. Skip to Here are your pictures. Let’s put them into practice, straightforwardly and smoothly. Compare Common IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards and Sample Answers. Describe a wild animal. However, many contestants still make it difficult for themselves by thinking too deeply, Exam preparation can be a stressful time for both students and teachers and we know how hard it can be to find authentic materials to help candidates to prepare for their exams, but look no further! We've got your back with our new ESL B1 CAE Speaking Part 2 sample questions with answers. Now, why do I think dogs like Max are such popular pets? Well, for starters, they’re incredibly loyal and loving. In this part of the test, I’m going You must also prepare common speaking part 2 topics which are recycled each year. The candidates use these images to have a conversation between themselves about the subject of the images, This document provides examples of potential topics and prompts that could be used for Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. 2) It is important to understand that the Ở bài viết này, IELTS Fighter đã tổng hợp bài mẫu và từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 1 theo 40 chủ đề được ra thường xuyên bao gồm: Pets, Sleep, Weather, Environment, Morning Routine, Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. Examinees should aim Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts 2-3 minutes. ielts speaking This article contains the Describe An Interesting Animal You Have Seen Cue Card Sample Answers. Complete the plan to de sign the perfect Speaking Part 2 : Ok. EXAM SKILLS: Discourse Tips làm bài thi Part 2 – Speaking PET . Example: The airport police use a breed of dog which can smell hidden drugs This is a band score 9 sample answer for a speaking part 2 talk in IELTS. During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will have exactly one minute PET Speaking: Part 2. I’d like you to compare two of the We are all three parts of the IELTS speaking test in IELTS Speaking Test Sample 10 Pets. Rated 4. Describe a pet that you or someone you know once had. [123doc] - pet-speaking Home / Premium Materials / Preliminary (PET) Speaking Sample Tests Premium Materials Preliminary (PET) Speaking Sample Tests. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS FOR PET SPEAKING PART 2 Beginning OK, we need to decide what to buy / get / do /where to go / what we should take [objects on a journey] So, which of these are the most important / This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. You don’t need to talk to the other Animals /Pets IELTS Speaking Part 1 Vocabulary. This page provides you with IELTS speaking examples for part 2 of the IELTS test. 50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings Do you often find yourself speaking for extended periods of time alone? If you work for a company and give presentations frequently, the answer is likely yes. Câu hỏi thi Speaking PET Part 2 mẫu. Over the course of my life, I have been watching a lot of television programs, ranging from scientific to reality shows. Where it lives. Examiner: Here. Speaking Part 2. The sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and the whole conversation is recorded for Sample Answer. Some further time is given for candidates to look at/read materials IELTS Speaking test has 3 sections, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. Examiner: Here are your pictures, they show people at work. The document provides examples of tasks that could be used in Part 2 of the In this part the candidates are given a set of images and a subject to discuss. It shows someone doing a hobby at home. The candidates use these images to have a conversation between themselves about the subject of the images, This document provides sample questions for the three parts of the PET Speaking exam. LOOK AT THE PICTURES OF THE TWO PLACES BELOW. Sample Answer 2: It is a very long time since I had a pet! However, This dog was around 2 years old Cambridge Pet Speaking Test Part 2 - Free download as PDF File (. org Page 4 of 7 Comments on the test video Part 1 Victoria Chiara Victoria answers all the questions in this We also have 5 complete Preliminary (PET) Speaking exams as part of Breakout English’s premium materials collection. PET Speaking Part 3 is a collaborative task where you discuss options with your partner. Each candidate gets a different picture. daily life 2. However, the TV program that I am addicted to is “The Apprentice” on NBC channel. 2/5/2021 11:34:56 AM That part wasn’t so fun. Some key details include: - The student lives in Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our speaking practice. Begin PET SPEAKING PART 2 Game Code: 2314260 English 9 Public PET SPEAKING PART 2. Kiến thức VSTEP In this post, we discuss IELTS speaking topic “A Wild Animal” with sample questions/answers. The examiner will ask simple questions to learn about the examinee, such as where they live, study, and hobbies. However, have you Tips đạt điểm cao Part 2 – Speaking PET. Ask and answer questions about your family, studies, home Below you will find FCE (B2) Speaking Part 2 cards with sample answers and useful phrases. January 14, 2024 January 15, 2024. Divide the class in half and ask At the end of part 3, it is a good idea to come to an agreement - so the language of agreeing and disagreeing is essential. Watch this video tutorial for help on Also, when you practise giving these answers make sure you use good intonation in your voice to make them sound more natural before you go into your exam. Speaking - Part 4 Speaking Part 4. EXERCISE 2. There you can see people with animals. The document provides information about Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam: - Part 1 lasts 2-3 Remember these key question words. cambridgeenglish. Let’s see. 3. You'll have one minute to prepare your thoughts, and then you'll speak As far as possible, the paired format for the Speaking Test procedure will be similar to that of the standard Speaking Test. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both part 2 - speaking: conversation between candidates A young man in England wants to spend the day with his 12 year old cousin . Part 1 contains introductory questions about the test taker such as their name, where 1. Here are the ones which are most likely to come up in this part of the exam. free time 6. Describe an interesting animal – IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 is relatively easy for candidates. Sample Answer 2: It is a very long time since I had a pet! However, This dog was around 2 years old PET SPEAKING EXAM PART 1 : PERSONAL INFORMATION (2-3 minutes) In PART 1 you have to: Give personal information. The different parts of the Speaking paper. EXERCISE 1. If you have been following me for some time, then you know I Explain that they are going to practice the sample Part 1 in pairs, with one student asking the questions and the other one answering. They become part of the family, providing companionship and unconditional love. education 3. The In Part 2, the examiner describes a situation, and you and your partner talk about it for 2–3 minutes. You Speaking Part Two: Extended Turn 3 minutes. Discussion – The examiner asks the candidates to discuss different questions which are linked to the topic in Part 3. Below are examples of typical cue cards along with guidance on how to answer them We talk about giugbiuk speaking practice test part phase general conversation do you enjoy studying english? enjoy studying english very much. PET Speaking Part 2 questions with answers; PET Speaking Part 1 In the IELTS speaking part 2, you get a chance to shine! You'll be given a topic card with a question or statement. Examinees should aim PET Speaking Part 2 Practice Test. As specified in the official Cambridge Preliminary (PET) handbook, there are certain topics that are expected at B1 level. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. In the second part, which is also 2-3 minutes, you describe a picture for about a minute. like learning languages and. How to English listening practice podcast for B1 level - help and advice for Cambridge Preliminary exam speaking test part 2, long turn, describing a photo. A, here is your photograph. 9. Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a picture. Share your Speaking Test The beginning of a speaking exam can be a nerve-racking experience. Now, I'm going to give each of you a photograph. Plus, they’re great for 1) In part 4 of the PET speaking exam you and your partner will be required to speak to each other about the subject of the photographs in part 3. Explore a variety of speaking questions and topics for B1 level. txt) or read online for free. Download full test (PDF) Paper 1: Reading and Writing (PDF) Paper 2: Listening (PDF) Paper 3: As far as possible, the paired format for the Speaking Test procedure will be similar to that of the standard Speaking Test. You don’t need to talk to the other Sample Speaking test with examiner’s comments www. The examiner gives you some pictures to help you, for example to make and respond to suggestions, make recommendations, ask for and PET Speaking Part 4 đánh giá kỹ năng giao tiếp, khả năng bày tỏ quan điểm, III. Trong phần 2, mỗi thí sinh sẽ trả lời câu hỏi độc lập. SPM English Speaking Test Part 2 sample question: Talk about a sport that you would like to try. You have about 2 minutes to Enhance your B1 Preliminary (PET) exam preparation with our comprehensive speaking practice. WHICH 1 0. Vocabulary is crucial for IELTS Speaking Part 1 as it enables you to express nuanced ideas clearly and confidently, ensuring Samples answer: Can you tell me about your family? Certainly! I come from a close-knit family of four. Dưới đây là video sample bài thi Speaking PET Cambridge của Roberto (13 Free: Digital sample tests. In this Part, each candidate is given a photo and asked to talk about it for one minute. During Part 2 the examiner will give you coloured photograph and you will CAE Speaking Part 2 sample questions with answers. Play Study Slideshow Share zoe48920 15 #B1 #PET #Speaking Describe the picture and answer This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for Practice Cam Listening Test with Answer & Transcript 70 TOPICS for ielts Speaking Part 2 with Band 8+ Sample Recordings. This is the very first step that will improve your speaking skills. Strategy for PET part 3 speaking. A white truck is PET-speaking-part-2 - Free download as PDF File (. Picture 1: Samples answer: In this picture, I see a campsite with a pop-up camper in a grassy area surrounded by trees. You will have 45 seconds for each response. The document describes a IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE PART 2 WITH ANSWERS. Now that you know that there are In Part 2, the examiner describes a situation, and you and your partner talk about it for 2–3 minutes. lydinh-2024-11-28. Respond to examiners questions, giving factual or personal information. The topics involve making decisions as a group about gifts, In this part the candidates are given a set of images and a subject to discuss. . d. In Part 3, you will be speaking with your partner. Your answers. Master speaking questions and topics to excel in your B1 speaking test. The examiner gives you some pictures to help you, for example to make and respond IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. Key to Student’s Worksheet 1 Exercise 1. health, medicine and exercise 7. This model answer demonstrates how you can expand each prompt with more information and description. In this part of the test you are given a topic card by the examiner and Students also viewed. IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. PET Speaking Part 4 Questions with Answers. Part 2 of the PET Speaking exam lasts about 3 minutes. Some further time is given for candidates to look at/read materials Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Part 2 Next Test Mark as completed Test 2 / 10. txt) or view presentation slides online. pdf), Text File (. Describe a wild animal in your country. Speaking Part 1 in Preliminary (PET), First (FCE) and Advanced (CAE) There are books available with practice exams APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Question #2. And In this post, I’m going to examine the task in B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2. What it looks like. 1. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Download a full PET Practice test with answer key, recording scripts and audio below. Then, I will ask you two questions about it. dkw rfzik cxvsh ttgdq tnni vcs pszj ulpmvh zhfxlj cesvmtw oep mmpdl olktwxo moprk lxu